What does Awards Network do?
Awards Network is an employee recognition solution for businesses big and small. Our programs provide a platform for you to effortlessly recognize your employees for significant achievements with the ability to select their own gift as their reward. Each of our programs contain an ample catalog of exciting and desirable brand name merchandise to choose from!
How much do gifts cost?
Awards Network's catalog has 1000s of brand name, lifestyle gifts ranging from $25 to $6,000. We have long-standing relationships with wholesalers, so we are able to price gifts in our catalog at MSRP. Shipping is included in the cost of gifts to addresses on the US Mainland.
Do gifts ship free?
Yes, all gifts shipped anywhere within the 48 contiguous United States are shipped for free.
For gifts shipping outside the 48 states, we will work with you to determine the best shipping solution available to save you the most money.
Does Awards Network charge fees?
Awards Network does not charge any setup or administrative fees for the Modern Gift program.
There is a one-time website setup fee for our both of our points programs, as well as a flat quarterly fee for the Deluxe Points program. You can find a full breakdown of our Program Options here.
How quickly can my program be set up?
Depending on which program option you choose, setup can be complete in as early as 10 business days* for Modern Gift programs and 12-30 business days for Basic and Deluxe Points programs.
*Expedited setup may be accommodated with reduced design customization.
Is there a minimum order requirement?
We have no minimum requirements. You may award your employees as frequently or infrequently as you like.
Are awards considered taxable income?
According to IRS Guidelines, two types of Award Programs can qualify as tax exempt – Service Awards and Safety Awards. These awards only remain tax exempt if you give tangible merchandise that becomes personal property, such as brand name merchandise.
If you award cash or cash equivalencies, like gift cards, it would then be deemed taxable income.
All other awards are considered taxable based on how you interpret the IRS Guidelines on Award Programs.
How often are new catalog items added?
Our merchandising team is continuously adding new and upgraded brand name gifts to our catalog, ensuring we're always up to date on the most popular and trending items. Individual item updates may happen as frequently as daily, with more substantial product updates happening on a bi-monthly basis.
Can my program website be customized?
Yes, we will design your program's website from scratch using your company's branding guidelines, logos, and creative direction. No two client websites are ever the same. You can find some samples of our work in our Portfolio.
Can my program materials be customized?
Of course! Just like your program's website, we will prepare any of your program's materials to be a custom design for your company.
Can I change my program type in the future?
Yes! Award programs can be seamlessly adjusted as your company goals evolve. You can view our Program Options and Features here. If you need help determining the best fit for your needs, we recommend taking our Program Match Quiz.
What makes Awards Network unique?
At Awards Network, we believe that recognition should be easy to manage and affordable for companies of all sizes. We host an extensive catalog of brand name merchandise, containing thousands of popular and trending gifts, that makes it easy for every one of your employees to find a gift they will truly love and enjoy.
For gift recipients, check our Recipient FAQs.
For additional program questions, contact us below and we will be happy to help you!